Forms & Resources
Realtor Emeritus Status
REALTOR® Emeritus eligibility criteria shall be implemented as follows:
Forty (40) years of REALTOR® membership
To gain NAR Emeritus status: Applications submitted in 2020 and beyond will require proof of one (1) year of service* at the National Association level. (The service qualification changed so that at least one (1) year of service at the National level only will be accepted for NAR Emeritus status. Service at the state or local level will not be considered to determine NAR Emeritus status.) * “Service” is defined as serving as an officer, director, committee member, federal political coordinator, President’s liaison or regional coordinator to a country with which NAR holds a reciprocal agreement.
Policy for CTR Dues Waiver for NAR REALTOR Emeritus: Member must have CTR committee membership and CTR BOD membership. No RALLY or RAC attendance qualifies. In addition, the applicant must have been a member of CTR for at least 10 of the 40 years.
Policy for NHMR Dues Waiver for NAR REALTOR Emeritus: Member must have local committee membership and local BOD membership with NHMR, MSAR, or Shoreline Board.
NAR votes on Emeritus candidates twice annually. If you meet the above criteria and wish to apply please provide dates of service at the National, State, and local levels and we will submit an application on your behalf.
Your Professional Network
The New Haven Middlesex Association of REALTORS® continues to support Your Professional Network – YPN, with the participation of a growing number of members. Our intent is to create a forum in which to encourage personal and career development, generate new ideas, seek out advice, and network with peers. Our larger goals are to pursue leadership roles, become active in policy discussions, and promote Realtor professionalism within the community.